Welcome to the Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama

Thank you to everyone that attended and performed at the 2024 Festival - we look forward to seeing you next year! The 2025 Festival will take place from 1st to 8th March 2025.

Please note that this year’s AGM on Thursday 4th July at 7:30pm will be held at a different venue than previously announced. If you wish to attend, please contact our Festival Secretary for details – festival@bedfordshirefestival.org.uk

Notes And Lines

Celebrating a century of the Bedfordshire Festival.

To mark this special centenary year of the Bedfordshire Festival, a commemorative book has been commissioned, giving a unique insight into the events and performances that have shaped the Festival’s 100-year history.

Buy now: Notes and Lines 100 Years of the Bedfordshire Festival of Music Speech and Drama | PayPal

The Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama

The Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama was founded in 1921 and provides a showcase for the wealth of talent in the amateur performing arts in Bedfordshire and the surrounding area. The Festival offers a wide range of classes for all ages covering most musical genres including Classical, Musical Theatre, Jazz and Asian music, as well as many varied Speech and Drama classes including Verse Speaking, Acting, Mime and Improvisation. It features categories for school groups, Special School groups, orchestras, wind bands, junior and senior choirs and group creative performance.

Run by a Committee of volunteers and a part-time Secretary, the Festival is a charity. The organisers are extremely grateful to the Festival's supporters, its Individual and Corporate Friends, for their financial support, without which the Festival would not take place.

The Festival takes place at the Bedford Corn Exchange during the first week of March each year.

The next Festival will take place from 1st to 8th March 2025.

The Queens Award for Voluntary Service

On September 4th 2019, The Festival was awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2019, the highest accolade given to volunteer groups in the UK.

See articles from Bedford Today or Bedford Independent for more information

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