Festival Friends

The Festival Committee is most grateful to the following Organisations for help towards the running costs of this and previous Festivals:

Corporate Friends
Artisan Bespoke
Bedford Music Hub
Gale Family Charity Trust
Lane and Holmes
Old Road Securities Ltd
Rotary Club of Bedford Park
Sira Building
Wixamtree Trust
Woodfine and Lousada Families

For more information about supporting the Festival please contact the Festival Chairman.

The Festival is also fortunate to have the following Individual Friends who contribute by sponsoring prizes, trophies and the general running costs of the Festival. Nevertheless, more help whether financial or otherwise, however small, is always needed. For more information about helping to support the Festival by becoming an Individual Friend please contact the Festival Secretary

Individual Friends
Mr and Mrs J Barham
Mr M T Jones
Mrs C Naylor Barrott
Mr J Keep
Mr & Mrs Beard
Bedford School
Mrs C P Latham
Bedford Choral Society
Dr H A Leach
Mr D Blake
Mr M Martin
Mr J Britton
Dr V Mayor MBE
Mrs E Cameron
Prof and Mrs P McKeown
Dr A J Cashman
Mrs F J Moore
Phyllis Chance Memorial
Ms C Moorhouse
Mrs R Naik-Bascombe
Stella Chapman Memorial
Mrs V L Parrin
Mr and Mrs A Charatan
Miss R Peart
Mr and Mrs D Coubrough
Mrs M K Cowan
Mr and Mrs A J T Scarr
Mr Frank Crisp
Mr R Eden
Mr S P Sharrock
Lady Skeet
Mrs E Edwards
Mr and Mrs A Slack
Miss A Fowler
Stewartby Amateur Operatic Society
Mr B Fox
Mr G Thompson
Goldings of Bedford
Mr and Mrs J R Tusting
Mrs N G Gould
Mrs D Wheeler
Mr T Grant-Jones
Sir Samuel and Lady Whitbread
Mr M Green
Mr R F White
Mr P Halliday
Mrs M Woodfine
John and Susan Harrison Memorial
Ms S Woodfine
Mr E Wooding
Ms J Jarman
Mr A P Young
Mrs D Bell
Ms Kathy Keeley
Mr F Caldwell
Mr & Mrs B Catlow
Miss J Howe
Mrs R Howe
Miss H Keep
Mrs S Lousada
Mr E Thompson
Ms L West
Mrs V Wisson