See the website where a list of outlets stocking the Syllabus is available. Copies are free. Alternatively, you can download the syllabus from the website
Entries are made through the Online Entry portal via the Festival website. Go to, click on the ‘Entries’ tab and follow the step-by-step instructions
Contact the Festival Secretary on tel: 07824 829097 and alternative arrangements can be made.
No. Late entries delay the timetabling of the classes and therefore scheduling information which needs to be circulated to all performers. All entries should be received by midnight on 1 December 2017.
No, except pieces in the pre-Grade 1 piano and string classes and Boys’ Treble Singing classes (39, 78A, 78B, 125A) for which changes need to be received by 1 February 2018. Changes in piece titles delay production of the programme and other important information which needs to be circulated to all performers.
See page 5 of the Syllabus, Rule 3.
Yes, provided this does not delay the production of the programme or any information being sent out. The Festival Committee reserves the right to make a decision on this depending upon the individual circumstances.
No. The entry fee covers administration costs which will already have been entered into whilst managing the receipt of entries.
For music performers and Speech and Drama Year 9 & under performers, a copy of the piece/text should be brought on the day for the adjudicator’s use. Photocopies are allowed provided the original piece is being used in the performance. For Year 10 & above classes, texts should be submitted to the Festival Secretary by 1st February 2018.
For groups and ensembles, the Festival will arrange a meeting/warm up room for your group in advance and you will be notified of this a couple of weeks before the Festival. For other performers, there are a couple of rooms used for warming up subject to availability. Please ask the stewards upon arrival at the hall on the day of your class. Please note, there is no piano available in the warm up rooms.
Speech and Drama performers should announce the title and writer of their piece before the performance commences. Music performers are invited to do the same by way of introduction.
The length of each session depends upon the number of performances in the class. The programme gives the start time of the next class, which will be the end time of the previous class.
There are no refreshments for sale in the halls. However, there are two coffee shops adjacent to the Corn Exchange: Number 13 and The Coffee Shop.
Mark sheets and certificates will be available for collection from the Festival Office from 2pm the following day. If you are entered via a school or teacher, mark sheets and certificates will only be issued to the teacher or school representative. Any unclaimed mark sheets and certificates not collected during the week will be posted out by the end of March 2018.
Of course! We would encourage all performers to bring an audience with them. Tickets can be purchased on the door priced £2 (£1 concessions, free for under 10’s). Programmes are £3. Season tickets are also available if you are performing more than once during the week.